Mgr. Lenka Kavarniková

Mgr. Lenka Kavarniková

senior lawyer

T: +421 55 694 39 91
M: +421 917 497 060
E: kavarnikova(at)

Mgr. Lenka Kavarniková graduated at Faculty of Law, University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice in 2015.  During the university studies she was working as assistant for administrator of the bankruptcy assets. After she finished her studies, she has become a junior lawyer in Law office.  She has become junior lawyer in Law office h&h PARTNERS, advokátska kancelária s.r.o. in 2021.  Her professional activities in the field of medical law developed in publishing professional articles on the websites and


  • The University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice, Faculty of Law, (2013), Bachelor of Laws – Bc.
  • The University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice, Faculty of Law, (2015), Master of Laws – Mgr.


Medical and pharmaceutical law

Mgr. Lenka Kavarniková in cooperation with JUDr. Ivan Humeník, PhD. is mainly paying attention to the medical law. In cooperation with project mediPRÁVNIK, which is focused on helping healthcare providers and pharmacies, she mainly paying attention to the provision of legal services and advice to healthcare providers and pharmacies. She participates in the preparation of documents for them, too. At the same time, she cooperates with the project patient cases, which is focused on helping patients and consultations for patients. Her agenda is also focused on compensation for damage to the health – represent healthcare providers and patients before the courts.

Commercial and civil law

In the field of commercial law, Mgr. Lenka Kavarniková in cooperation with JUDr. Tomáš Husovský is mainly paying attention to agenda of companies, as establishment of companies and making changes in companies. A large part of her agenda in civil law is focused on law of contract and employment law.

Publishing activity

Professional articles

  • HUMENÍK, I., KAVARNIKOVÁ, L.: Odborný zástupca v dvoch lekárňach, alebo aké zmeny prinesie navrhovaná novela zákona o liekoch pre lekárne?. In Lekárnik, číslo 10/2021, ročník XXVI., ISSN 1335 – 924X
  • HUSOVSKÝ, T., KAVARNIKOVÁ, L.: Založenie alebo kúpa ambulancie – čo všetko je k tomu potrebné a na čo si dávať pozor. In Právo a manažment v zdravotníctve, číslo 09/2021, ISSN 1338-2071
  • HUMENÍK, I., KAVARNIKOVÁ, L.: Môže lekár odmietnuť pacienta, ak sa nepodrobí testu na ochorenie COVID-19?. In Lekárske noviny, číslo 09/2021, Ročník IV., ISSN 2585-9595
  • HUMENÍK, I., KAVARNIKOVÁ, L.: Očkovanie proti ochoreniu COVID-19 v ambulanciách. Pozor na poučenie a informovaný súhlas. In Lekárske noviny, číslo 7-8/2021, Ročník IV., ISSN 2585-9595
  • HUMENÍK, I., KAVARNIKOVÁ, L.: Všeobecní lekári, pozor! Od augusta vás čaká nová povinnosť pri sprístupňovaní dokumentácie pacienta iným osobám. In Lekárske noviny, číslo 6/2021, Ročník IV., ISSN 2585-9595
  • HUMENÍK, I., KAVARNIKOVÁ, L.: Etické a právne štandardy vykonávania telemedicíny. In Lekárske noviny, číslo 5/2021, Ročník IV, ISSN 2585-9595

Professional articles in electronic journals